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Cartel Carnaval de Santoña 2025 Autor: Cristobal Aguiló Domínguez (Cartagena)

27 de Febrero Gran pregón del carnaval 2025
27 de Febrero Gran Final Murgas Adultos 2025
28 de Febrero Dia infantil Carnaval 2025
28 de Febrero Gran final M. infantil Carnaval 2025
1 Marzo Dia Grande de Carnaval  2025
8 Marzo Dia del Luto 2025
15 marzo Dia dle aldeano 2025

Santoña Carnival Program 2022

📣This morning the Celebration Commission was held in which the Santoña 2022 Carnival Programming was presented .🥳🤡
After the preliminaries and semifinals of the Murgas Contest, which will take place on February 11, 12, 18 and 19, the following events will take place:
👉Thursday, February 24:
-8:30 p.m.: Grand Proclamation of the Carnival , by the Local Association Carnavaldelnorte, in the Marquee of the Plaza de San Antonio (free admission until full capacity).🥳🥸
-10:00 pm: Grand Final of the Adult Murgas Contest, with the six Murgas that obtain the highest score in the previous passes.
👉Friday, February 25 (Children's Day):
-1:00 p.m.: Children's Parade through the town center.
-18:00 hours: Children's Parade 👫(all dressed as children).
Route: Calle O'Donnell, Carrero Blanco, Serna Occina and Plaza de San Antonio.
-20:00 hours: Great Children's Show "The Kingdom of the Lion" 🦁(tribute to the musical "The Lion King"). It is essential to purchase the invitation to the event in advance, since the capacity of the tent will be limited to 600 people, due to Covid-19.
👉Saturday February 26 (BIG DAY) .🎭🎭
-1:00 p.m.: Chiquiteo de Murgas and Parade for all audiences through the streets of Santoña.
-7:00 p.m.: Grand Carnival Parade and Costume Contest (three prizes of 1,000, 500 and 300 euros + Trophy, for the first three classified). ROUTE- Calle O'Donnell, Carrero Blanco, Serna Occina and Plaza de San Antonio.🦸🦹‍♀️
-During the evening, spectacular parades through the streets of Santoña.
👉Saturday, March 5 (Trial at the Bottom of the Sea)🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️
-1:00 p.m.: Apprehension of the Reo, accompanied by the fish (from the Monument to the Carnival to the Plaza de San Antonio)
-7:30 p.m.: Parade of the Inmate.
-8:00 p.m.: Trial at the Bottom of the Sea , in the San Antonio Tent (free admission until full capacity).🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️
-10:00 pm: Great Humor Show "50 years" by Moncho Borrajo , in the San Antonio Tent. It is essential to purchase an invitation in advance, due to the capacity limited to 600 people.🤣🤣
👉All events will be carried out strictly complying with the security protocols against Covid-19 and the recommendations that mark us from Public Health and the competent Health Authorities.