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Cartel Carnaval de Santoña 2024

1 Preliminares adultos 2024
Semifinales adultos 2024
Exhibición murgas infantile 2024
Gran pregón carnaval 2024
Gran final Murgas adultos carnaval 2024
Dia infantil del carnaval 2024
Gran Final murgas infantiles 2024
Dia Grande del carnaval 2024
Dia del luto 2024
Dia del trasmerano 2024




          The Hon. Santoña City Council, hereinafter the organization, is the governing body of the Murgas contest, and its obligations and responsibilities include determining its rules.

      The RAE defines murga as follows: " Group of street musicians who perform satirical songs satirical songs in carnivals, as the main form of expression "




 Only those Groups that are registered in a timely manner will be able to participate.

 The Registration Bulletin, provided by the Department of Celebrations, must be completed in all its sections and signed by the Legal Representative and his alternate, as well as by all the members of said Group, and in the Bulletins it will be clearly and precisely stated, the acceptance by the Association of these Regulations, which presupposes their prior knowledge.

In case of coincidence in the TITLE or COSTUME between two or more Groups, the Department of Celebrations will accept the first one registered. Notwithstanding this, within a maximum period of 7 days from the date of registration, it will inform the Legal Representatives of the matching Groups in disguise, for the presentation of a sketch and to be able to determine if there are sufficient differences for the two Groups to participate. with their costumes.

 The Murga registration period will be from October 27 to December 17.

 At the time of collecting the registration form, a copy of these bases will be delivered to the Legal Representative or his alternate, for his knowledge.



2.1                 Are those Groups with a minimum of 4 vocalists.

2.2                 Percussion may participate with other Groups.

The minimum age required to take part in the costumed competition, adult category, will be 14 years old on the date of the Contest (if any Group has a person under this age, it must have been authorized, in writing, by the Department of Celebrations).

All minors under 18 years of age must also attach authorization from their parents or legal guardians to participate in the Contest.

2.3                 All types of percussion, wind and string instruments may be used, including acoustic, electric and / or electronic instruments. These last two can only be used in a piece of music and with its natural sounds. For these instrumental purposes, the use of the turuta as a traditional and typically murguista instrument is recommended.

2.4                 It will be possible to use, in any part of the murga, music or sound in off during a maximum period of 2 minutes distributed throughout the performance. If not, they will be penalized with 3 points .

2.5                 Any type of plagiarism is totally forbidden, whether it be of musical chains of other existing murgas or of lyrics. In doing so, the President of the Jury will act ex officio and the Group will be automatically DISQUALIFIED .

- Musical chaining: it is understood as the potpourri, not being able to copy 3 or more songs in a row within it

- Typology: refers to the evident plagiarism of scenography (curtain / staging) and disguise (same outfit with identical details and types) of another existing group.

2.6                 Any component that is sanctioned by the Department of Celebrations will not be admitted. Failure to comply will be considered VERY SERIOUS FAULT and will lead to DISQUALIFICATION .


2.7                The repertoire will be performed on the stage designated by the Department of Celebrations. The preliminary phase and the semifinal phase can be held both at the Liceo Casino Theater and under the marquee in the Plaza de San Antonio. The Final of the Contest will always be under a tent in the Plaza de San Antonio.

2.8                The repertoire will be composed of a Presentation song, one or two songs where a special care of the letter predominates (traditionally called Pasodobles), one or two songs where humor, the intelligent joke and double meaning predominate (traditionally called Cuplés) , and Potpourri.

The Cuplés may be sung linked by the chorus, without interruption between them.

2.9                Especially offensive songs that affect people's private lives may not be sung. If it does, the Group may be sanctioned with between 0 points and DISQUALIFICATION. Said sanction will be determined by the Celebration Commission called for this purpose.

2.10              If a group changes its name, as long as 70% of its members coincide, the position obtained the previous year will be respected, with regard to the draws.



            It includes the title or name of the Group, as well as the costume and other accessories used, the subject matter and its interrelation with the repertoire to be performed in relation to the Presentation, Choruses if any, and Potpourri.


            Representatives are those people who, without being registered as members of the Association, can be on stage during the performance of the group's repertoire, forming part of the “props” of the murga.

The figure of the collaborator or collaborators is also contemplated, which are those people, who, like the components, are an active part of the murga, but only at a certain moment, and not during the entire repertoire. five minutes before the performance of the Group, simply notifying the President of the Jury in writing.



  They are the only spokespersons before the Department of Celebrations.

            Functions and Competences:

5.1       Complete the Official Registration Bulletins that will be provided by the Department of Celebrations and submit them to it within the timeframes indicated in due course. Said Bulletin must be completed in all its sections, since it is a public document. 

 In any case and in an obligatory manner, the Legal Representative and his alternate must sign the Bulletins, as well as clearly indicate their name and surname, address, town, telephone, email address and ID number. These requirements imply, and the Bulletins will clearly and precisely state the acceptance by the Association of these Regulations, which presupposes their prior knowledge. Likewise, the legal representative or his alternate will be obliged to notify the Department of Celebrations of any change in the members of the Association.

5.2 He will                 deliver the texts to the Organization within the established deadlines, for their delivery to the President of the Jury and to be able to advise on the consequences that said texts may have. These will be typed, paginated and stapled, on computer support or, failing that, in a repertoire booklet, except for the letters delivered on the same day of the performance.
5.3                 Present any possible claims to the Department of Celebrations and once the contest has started, to the President of the Jury, always in writing and duly identified.
5.4                    They are responsible, together with the Association, for the content and letter of the Murgas.



            The Department of Celebrations will set the order of performance of the different participating Groups, summoning their Legal Representatives for the corresponding draw, between December 18 and 23.

            This system will suppose the creation of a maximum of four groups, depending on the participating Groups, with two heads of series each, which will result from the classification of the previous contest.

 The rest of the Groups will be classified into the different groups by means of a draw for the preliminaries phase, another draw for the semifinals phase, and a final draw for the final phase, the latter, only with the Groups that enter said phase.

 The draws for the preliminary and semi-final phases will take place on the same day.

 In the event that any Group misses any of the different phases, the position of the following Groups will be advanced until the days of performance are completed.

The order of action resulting from the draw may not be altered, except for demonstrable force majeure, prior notice to the Department of Celebrations, which will be the one who will bring the fact to the attention of the Santoña Town Hall Celebrations Commission. This Commission will be the body that will decide if said cause is force majeure or not, and its decision will be accepted by all the participating groups and / or the components of all of them.

Any act that physically and / or verbally attacked (insulting acts, slander, threats, aggressions or the like) against any of the members of this Commission, by one or more members of participating murgas, may be punished with between one and five years of disqualification previous file opened by the Department of Celebrations.

Once the semifinals pass is finished, the organization will make public the name of the six finalist murgas, taking place right there, in a transparent way, the draw according to which the order of performance in said final will be set.




            A Jury is established made up of: a President and an odd number of members (between 7 and 11). Likewise, it is possible that there is a substitute member.

             All members of the Jury will attend to the sense of confidentiality required by the position.

             The jury will have to be completed at least 7 days before the start of the contest. In case of absence during the contest of any of the vowels, all the scores of that vowel during that phase will be annulled. If any of the vowels cannot be present during a complete phase, the alternate vowel may substitute for them during that entire phase.



 The President of the Jury will be the Councilor of Celebrations, or the person in whom he delegates.


8.1 It       will comply with and enforce these Regulations, having to act ex officio.

8.2 He will       convene and preside over the Jury in all the meetings necessary for the proper development of the contest. The President will be responsible for transferring all the information regarding the bases to the Members.

8.3 It will       order the beginning and the end of the sessions to be held, publicly justifying any alteration.

8.4 He       will act with voice but without vote and will be solely responsible for controlling that the Groups sing the lyrics presented, not being able to deliver them to the members of the jury.

.5       The President will control the times of the Groups, being visible to the public, may interrupt the actions for technical or other reasons, will be in charge of delivering and collecting the score sheets to the members, processing the possible claims, as well as automatically promoting any anomaly that it detects during the course of the Contest.

8.6 He       will attest to all the documents and minutes that are necessary.

8.7 He       will be responsible, at all times, for the score sheets and all documentation. At the end of each phase, they will deliver the result of the voting to the presenter (the members will know the result at the same time as the rest of the attendees). He will be the only person who will have the lyrics of each murga, to control that they do not sing anything that is not presented.

8.8 It        will count the scores awarded to the Murgas.

8.9 It                   will have the power to disqualify a member, if it considers that it has breached this Regulation, duly accredited, as well as its obligations, established in the following article.

8.10 He will      ensure the good behavior of all contestants during the contest, and may apply the corresponding sanctions.


.1        The members of the Jury will be between 7 and 11, the number always being odd. The five specific vowels will evaluate the murga in general, that is, their score will be given taking into account which for them is the best murga, the most complete. The murga as a whole will be valued, the general quality of each group.

 Each one of the vowels will give each group a score of 1 to the value coinciding with the total number of participating murgas and always a whole number, decimals are not allowed. Furthermore, you cannot give two or more costumes the same score. In summary, if there were fifteen participating murgas, the members would rate each of them from 1 to 15, that is, a 1 for the group they liked the least, and a 15 for the one they liked the most. The rest of the values ​​... a 14 to the second best, a 13 to the third ... and so on.

 All the members will be elected by the Department of Celebrations.

9.2        They will be responsible for filling in the score sheets provided by the President, at the end of each pass, being returned in the same way as the one after finishing the last murga of each pass. These cards will be filled in at the end of each pass (preliminaries, semifinals and final), since logically a member will have to see all the costumes to be able to grant the scores, previously explained.

9.3       They will also be in charge of designating the special awards, voting in the same way, each of the areas subject to evaluation (lyrics and criticism, staging and interpretation, humor and original music). These sections will also be valued from 1 to the value coinciding with the total number of participating murgas, and giving a value to each of them, without being able to give more than one murga the same score.

9.4       They will not be able to reveal or comment on their votes, their evaluation being governed with total objectivity and responsibility, based on a principle of good faith.

9.5       The Department of Celebrations will ensure that the Jury is complete at the beginning of each pass.

9.6       Their presence will be mandatory in all passes of the Contest.


10.1     The Jury will be officially constituted when the presence of the President and all of the Members, or their alternate, concur.

10.2     At the end of each pass (preliminaries, semifinals and final), the Members of the Jury will receive from the President the score sheets, both the general ones and those of the areas that make up the special prizes. Once completed, they will be returned to it. During the different performances, the members will be able to make their annotations that will help them to fill in their cards when each pass is finished.

10.3     All the Jury's deliberations will be secret.

10.4     Upon convocation by the President, the Jury will meet to study and pronounce on possible claims regarding the contest, whether made by the legal representatives of the Groups or by themselves ex officio.

10.5     The scores of the Jury will only be valid in each phase of the contest.

10.6     In the event that a member is missing during any performance of the Contest, all their scores for that Phase will be canceled.

10.7     At the beginning of each session, a record of incidents will be drawn up, which must be signed by all the members of the Jury, in which any incident or breach of these Regulations will be recorded. Said minutes will be public.


All those people who attend in any of the following circumstances must be inhibited from being part of the jury:

11.1     Be a legal representative, author or member of any grouping that competes.

11.2     Being a relative up to the second degree of consanguinity or first degree of affinity of any component of any Group that competes.

11.3     Has participated in the Murgas Contest a year before.

             Any type of claim regarding incompatibilities will be submitted to the City Council's entry register, who will resolve it before the start of the contest.

          The Department of Celebrations, will reject any of the people proposed as Jury Member who incur the causes of incompatibility indicated in this article.



             The Murgas de Santoña contest will consist of three Phases: Preliminary, Semifinal and Final.

12.1     The delivery of the Murgas' letter, in the preliminary phase, will be made at the Santoña Town Hall Entry Register ( office of celebrations ), until 2:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the start of the screening. In the semifinal phase, it will be held in the same place and until the same time on the Tuesday prior to the celebration of the pass. Failure to comply with these deadlines will lead to a penalty of 5 points.

12.2     The delivery of letters from the finalist murgas will be made at the Santoña City Council entrance register ( office of celebrations ) until 12 noon on the Wednesday prior to the final, with the same penalty as in the previous point if it does not appear in weather.

12.3     In exceptional cases, letters may be delivered up to ten minutes before the performance of the Group to the President of the Jury.

12.4    The letters, in all the phases, will be delivered in a sealed envelope in the office of Celebrations, preferably to the Secretary, who will register it, or to the Councilor if that one is not present.

12.5   If any murga had a positive case for COVID19, forcing all of the components to be confined due to being close contacts, several different scenarios may arise: - They cannot act in the session that corresponds to them by lottery, but in another session of the pass correspondent. The organization will fit them into another session. - That they must remain confined and cannot participate in the first pass, but in the second. They will try to fit in and make their two performances in the second pass. - That they cannot act, because they must be confined, in both countries. The organization undertakes to give that group the corresponding second prize, as well as any participating murga, not a finalist. - In the event that a finalist murga cannot act in that final due to having been completely confined, It will automatically be proclaimed sixth classified, going on to have a final of five groups. If there are several finalist murgas that must be confined, they will be proclaimed sixth, fifth and so on, taking into account their summation score of the first two passes.


             The Department of Celebrations will determine the days, hours and order of the sound rehearsals, as well as the days of assembly of the set.

             The City Council will not contribute material to the Groups for the decoration, these being responsible for all their material.

             They must remove all material from the stage, the City Council having no responsibility for breakage or loss of said material.

             The infringement of this article will be penalized with 5 points and it will be the City Council who ensures compliance with this article in order to inform the President of the Jury.


14.1      All legally registered Groups will participate in it and in accordance with the order previously established in the Draw.

14.2      In this Phase there will be a pass through the Grouping, on Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday, the last three days being preferential over the first.

14.3      The fifteen Groups with the highest score in this phase will have the right to receive the corresponding second prize.


 All Groups will access this phase, unless they commit any violation of the regulations that leads to disqualification.

15.1      In this Phase there will be a pass through the Grouping and it will be at the weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).


 The six Groups with the highest score, obtained from the sum resulting from the preliminaries and semifinals, will access the final.

 The minimum time of action will be fifteen minutes. If a Group does not reach this minimum, it will not be scored. 

 The maximum time of each murga will be 22 minutes and will be counted from the moment the voice or sound begins, as long as said voice or sound begins within 15 seconds after the curtain has been fully opened. If this is not fulfilled, the Group will be sanctioned with 4 points .

 After 23 minutes of computed time, the curtain will close automatically, turning off the microphones, applying a sanction to the offending group of 7 points.

 At the end of each Grouping its performance, it will leave the entrance and access to the stage in perfect condition, as well as the stage itself.

 Only previously presented lyrics can be sung, understanding as such the presentation, pasodobles, cuplés, potpourrit and final. Improvisation, “sketches”, speaking between letters, etc. will be free for the groups, computing only for the purposes of 11 times. It will not be understood as a letter that must be presented. It will not be mandatory to sing the entire lyrics. Failure to comply with this point, the Group will be sanctioned with 5 points.

 Once the murga's performance is over, its members may enter the venue, ONLY THROUGH THE MAIN DOOR and not through the sides of the stage. They will do it in an orderly manner and respecting those who are acting at the time. Such action will be considered a serious offense , and the members who perform such action may be removed from the Contest.


In the event of a multiple tie, the members will resolve by means of a new secret ballot, indicating which Group they consider to be above the other.


 The decisions of the members of the Jury must be duly respected, without prejudice to the right to claim established in Article 22 of these Regulations. Any act that physically or verbally attacked (insulting acts, slander, threats, aggressions or similar) against members of the Jury by one or more members of participating Murgas, may be sanctioned with between 1 and 5 years of disqualification , after a file opened by the Department of Celebrations.


            The following awards are established, subject to the corresponding withholdings:

  • The first prize Carnival Trophy and € 2,000.00
  • The second prize € 1,500.00
  • The third prize € 1,200.00
  • The Fourth Prize € 1050.00
  • The Fifth Prize € 900.00
  • The Sixth Prize € 700.00
  • Second prize for other groups (max. 15) € 500.00

 Special Awards:

  • Letter and Criticism Sponsor Award - € 300
  • Sponsor Staging / Performance Award - € 300
  • Sponsor Humor Prize - € 300
  • Momentazo Trophy
  • Sponsor Original Music - € 300         




            The members of the jury will fill in the score sheets according to the following criteria:

  • Overall score: From 1 to the value that matches the total number of participating murgas.
  • Original Music: From 1 to the value that matches the total number of participating costumed costumes.
  • Scenography and Interpretation Member: From 1 to the value coinciding with the total number of participating murgas.
  • Vocal of Humor: From 1 to the value coinciding with the total number of participating murgas.
  • Letter and Criticism: From 1 to the matching value with the total number of participating murgas.

 The general scores will be added in each phase, removing various major and minor scores, depending on the total number of members. The champion of the costume contest will be the group that obtains the highest number of points, in the sum of the three phases of the contest.

For the final score of the special prizes, the same number of higher and lower scores as in the general section will also be removed, later taking the average of the passes made.

The Vocals' scores will be secret until the end of the contest.

Each score sheet will have a copy sheet plus the original, one of them for the President of the Jury and another copy for the City Council.

On the Monday following the semifinal phase, the scores of those groups that have not passed to the final phase will be published on the notice board of the City Council, as well as on the municipal website.

On the Monday following the final phase, the scores of ALL the groups that have participated in the Contest will be published on the Town Hall's notice board, as well as on the municipal website.


            It may be claimed by the Legal Representatives or members of the Jury, reliably, on any allegedly committed infraction, until the Tuesday after the Phase on which the claim is desired to be made at 2:00 p.m. The Jury will meet, at the request of its President, to study and pronounce on said claims.


  The Sanctions will be communicated in writing by the President of the Jury to the Legal Representative of the Group that commits the offense, within 24 hours after the infringed action. Likewise and within the same period, it will be made public.

23.1     The Department of Celebrations will ensure compliance with these regulations on the Contest. The breach or serious unjustified violation of the Competition Regulations by any of the people who in any way intervene in it, will determine the following sanctions:

    23.1.1 The immediate withdrawal from the Contest of the author of the aforementioned breach or infringement if it seriously affects its proper development.

    23.1.2 The incompatibility of appearing in a period of one to five years in the Contest depending on the seriousness of the facts, as well as the indefinite disqualification. Said decision will be made by the Celebrations Commission, convened for this purpose, based on a principle of proportionality, repetition and seriousness of the facts.

23.2     The Department of Celebrations will hear of any claim that involves a violation of this text. Said decision will be taken by the Celebration Commission, summoned for this purpose.

23.3      Use of music or sound in off for a period exceeding 2 minutes distributed throughout the performance, will be sanctioned with 3 points , as referred to in section 2.4.

23.4      In the event that a Grouping commits any type of plagiarism, be it of musical chains of other existing murgas or lyrics, the Grouping will be automatically DISQUALIFIED , as referred to in section 2.5

23.5      Admission to any Grouping of any component that is sanctioned by the Department of Celebrations, will be considered VERY SERIOUS MISSING and will lead to DISQUALIFICATION, as referred to in section 2.6

23.6     It will not be possible to sing especially offensive songs that affect the private life of people. In doing so, the Group may be sanctioned with between 0 points and DISQUALIFICATION, as referred to in section 2.9.

23.7     Failure to comply with the provisions of Article 13 of General Tests, will be sanctioned with 5 points.

23.8     Exceeding the allowed performance time will be penalized with 4 points , as indicated in Article 17, and you can reach up to 7 points.

23.9    Singing lyrics NOT previously presented will be sanctioned with 5 points .

23.10    Once the performance of the murga is finished, the members of any Grouping that enter the venue preventing the normal development of the Grouping's performance that is on stage at that time will be considered a serious offense , and the members who make said action may be withdrawn from the Contest, as indicated in Article 17.

23.11    Failure to submit the letter within the terms established in Article 12 will be penalized with 5 points .



             The City Council and / or the Department of Celebrations will have the following powers and functions:

 24.1 It will     carry out the Registration of the Groups.

 24.2 It will      recognize the figure of the Legal Representative of the Group or delegated person.

 24.3 It will     ensure that there are no repetitions of "Titles and Disguise" in the registrations.

 24.4     It will establish, in this order, the appropriate calendar that will be made public with the following criteria:

 24.4.1              Awards to be awarded.

 24.4.2              Opening and closing of the Official Register of Groups.

 24.4.3              Date of the Group Draw.

 24.4.4              Start and end date of the General Rehearsals.

 24.5     It will not have any responsibility for the texts presented or sung by the Murgas in the Contest, being the latter responsible at all times for the total content and acts during said contest.

 24.6     It will meet at least twice a year (once after the end of the Contest and another before the registration period opens) with the representatives of the Murgas.



 The Children's exhibition will consist of two passes, the Final being the Carnival holiday Friday.

 The prizes will be:

Locker room. € 500

Letter and Criticism. € 500

Singing. € 500

Humor and Sympathy. € 500

Scenography and interpretation. € 500

 All Children's Groups will be recognized.

 The maximum age to participate will be 18 years, except for those members who play music or percussion, although they may not, under any circumstances, sing.

 The legal representative of the children's groups will have the same competences and attributions as his counterpart in the adult contest.

 The draw for both the first and second passes will take place on the same day, coinciding with the draw for the Preliminaries and Semifinals of the Adult Contest.

 The Jury of the Children's Murgas will be composed of a President and up to seven members, who may be the same or different from the Adult Murgas Contest.

 The members of the Jury will attend to the sense of confidentiality that the position requires.

 The powers of the Jury will be the same as that of the Murgas Contest Jury.

The Jury will score from one to ten each of the following elements:

  • Locker room.
  • Letter and Criticism.
  • Singing.
  • Humor and Sympathy.
  • Scenography and interpretation.

 The maximum performance time will be twenty minutes from when the curtain is completely open. From that moment on, the curtain will close automatically.

 Each Group will have ten minutes to set up the stage for their performance, as well as ten minutes to leave the stage properly.


  This Regulation cancels the previous one, entering into force the day after its approval by the Department of Celebrations.


The Department of Celebrations reserves the right to modify these Regulations partially or totally at any time, following the procedure that served as the basis for its approval, and previously informing all interested parties. It is also empowered to resolve any contingency not provided for in these Regulations.